Matakana Makeover

Sometimes websites are an epic fail. The designer gets too clever for their own good and the only person that actually finds the site any good is themselves. Usability goes out the door with common sense. As a friend of mine once said, “The problem with common...

Direct Response Advertising

I should be upset but I’m not. Why? Well, it’s to be expected. You see it sounds better and it’s easier to focus on the “brand’ than on direct response advertising. “Make the logo bigger” If I had a buck for every time someone...

Business Without Advertising – Are You Mental?

In these economic times the last thing business owners should do is cut advertising and marketing. Lead generation creates new customers and new customers create the life blood of any business – cash flow. This following cartoon says it best… No matter how...

Face it – Facebook Marketing is Crap

I’m probably going to get hate mail for this article, but hey I can live with that. It wasn’t so long ago that there was no such thing as Facebook. In fact Facebook only kicked off in 2004. It has gone mental and now there is reported to be over 800...

Online / Offline Marketing Integration

You can’t sell a secret. You’ve probably heard me say that before. If people don’t know about you then odds are no matter how wonderful your product or service is, sooner or later you’ll go bust because of lack of clients. Marketing, or at...

Web Designers Are (insert expletive) Liars

I’m tired and sick, and sick and tired of seeing web designers saying that they produce Google optimised websites: when so often they don’t. Many purport to be NZ SEO experts, or at least specialists in search engine optimisation. Often with a two-minute check I see...