Getting An Effective Woocommerce Developer

How to Sell More With Woocommerce WooCommerce powers over 30% of all Internet stores. Are you launching a WooCommerce online store or wanting to increase your Internet sales? We think the art to selling successfully online comes down to product, imagery, site design,...

Matakana Makeover

Sometimes websites are an epic fail. The designer gets too clever for their own good and the only person that actually finds the site any good is themselves. Usability goes out the door with common sense. As a friend of mine once said, “The problem with common...

Graphic Designers Aren’t Web Designers

More and more often, I’m seeing graphic designers getting on the web design band wagon. These things happen when work slows down for them and suddenly they become a jack of all trades. From the outside getting your business cards and then website designed by the...