There’s a myth purported by some internet marketers that “if you build it they will come”. They teach that to be successful all you do is simply build a pretty website and by next Tuesday at 4 O’clock you’ll be a millionaire.
Man I wish it were that easy – but it ain’t. Sorry folks, having a website and expecting all your dreams to come true is just that – a dream.
It wasn’t so long ago that the Fax machine was an integral part of most businesses. Some companies actually used to use their fax as a marketing tool, firing off flyers to unsuspecting administrators. Then the internet got better, as did scanners, and the SPAM act kicked in – say good bye to the fax (well, pretty much).
Do you think that the businesses that used to use the Fax as a marketing tool, said that their business was the fax machine? Of course not!
Why is it then that some other people think that a website is a business?
A website isn’t a business but it is a business tool. A flyer isn’t a business, but it is a business (marketing) tool.
If you want to have a successful website you need to treat it like a business tool not a business itself. Even if you’re selling online you need to market your website. You need to enroll others in a conversation, share it, and spread the word.
If a business opens its doors on a street corner without any marketing, it’s likely to fail. A website without any involvement of the owner is also likely to fail.
So what do you do to succeed online?
Here are my top 7 tips:
- Cross pollinate – Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest etc
- Articles – blog, news – share what you know
- Videos – Youtube, Vimeo etc
- Lead generation giveaway – ebook or videos
- Incorporate your website with other marketing
- Forums – share your experiences
- Website directory listings
You need to get strategic about the way you market your business because if you don’t you’ll end up in the abyss.
One last point, just a heads up. Whatever you do don’t build your business on Facebook. By all means use Facebook, but drive your customers to your website and get their details. You don’t own Facebook and therefore you don’t own your Facebook subscribers details. If Facebook disappears so will your database!
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