NestGen GalleryNextGEN Gallery is one of the most popular WordPress gallery plugin, and it really takes convenience to the next level. With over 9 million downloads already, this plugin helps WordPress user organise their blogs efficiently. The benefits that come with using this particular plugin for your WordPress page can be a variety of reasons. NextGEN Gallery Offers:

  • State of the art engine for uploading and managing galleries of images.
  • Batch uploads to save time.
  • Imported Meta data.
  • Functions to add/delete/rearrange/sort images.
  • Functions to edit thumbnails.
  • Functions to group galleries into albums.
  • Two front-end display styles which come with a wide array of options for controlling size, styles, and effects.

NextGEN Gallery Has Many Handy Features

These features are very user friendly, and can really help everyday bloggers, or various companies using WordPress to handle information flow much easier.

Some of the features that NextGEN Gallery exclusively offer include uploading galleries, managing galleries, and displaying galleries. With the feature of uploading galleries, NextGEN gallery is designed specifically for getting your images from your desktop, to WordPress website with style and efficiency.

After the images are uploaded, the feature that allows you to manage your galleries also come with many different functions such as editing your galleries, tweaking your thumbnails, altercations of individual images, watermarks, and much more.

Keeping all of this in mind, there are some potential setbacks that could come with NextGEN Gallery.

WordPress Plugin Faults

Reports of the plugin being faulty have risen from various companies, and there are potential risks when using NextGEN Gallery. These risks include, but are not limited to crashing your website, and creating complications that could glitch your website. However, these potential risks can be easily avoided if the user remembers to back up the intended website before use. By doing this, even if the plugin crashes the intended website, the data for the website could still be recovered.

All in all, NextGEN Gallery offers much functionality that could help users of WordPress manage pictures and galleries in an organized fashion. Even though the plugin poses potential risks to your website, the plugin’s functionality dramatically outweighs the risk of using it and rest assured, the developers of this plugin are constantly updating and patching bugs within NextGEN Gallery.

For further details about this plugin go to